Tuesday 12 November 2013

Drawing movement on location

After drawing from Gif images I went into Cheltenham High Street and did a few observational sketches of members of the public walking past and how they walked. I picked different ages, sizes and builds to get a variety of different styles.

Young man with sports bag on his phone
Heavily pregnant shopper and elderly woman with a cane
Drawing from a looped moving image

Drawing from a looped moving image was a useful technique to learn from for later drawing from observation of real moving people on location drawing. I use three looped Gif images, a running man, a man turning on the spot and two men fencing.

Running man
Turning on the spot looped drawing
Turning on the spot and fencing
Fencing men
Detailed observation of form
Sketch with form
Sketch without form

Monday 11 November 2013

Portrait drawing

Kirsty (Finished)

This drawing came from a focused afternoon drawing a portrait of a peer. Created using charcoal. Taking time to observe and get facial features in proportion first was very useful in creating my portrait, once I had mapped out in a sketch I was able to begin detail and shading.

Close-up (Unfinished)

Observing and drawing a musician

A collection of drawings and sketches made from observing a musician rehearsing and playing music in the Chapel. Mixed media of pencil and ink and different approaches from focused drawings to quick sketches. I found this exercise drawing from a moving subject difficult at first but found it helped develop memory on what I see.
Initial sketches
Further sketchwork
Focusing in detail
Focused observation 
In context
Working in ink
The Chapel
Quick ink sketches